Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Expecting a Change

So its been a week since Hubby & I joined the gym... I'm not sure what I was expecting, but I thought something would of changed. No weight lost, no inches lost. I'm pretty sure I'm building muscles, mostly in my legs. Hmmmm.

Now I'm not getting discouraged or even thinking of giving up. I just know its harder when you don't see changes. Though more muscles are a change, its not the change I was expecting. I know its coming. It will take time. I'm so close to being in 16s full time that it hurts.

This weekend is Biketoberfest in Daytona & Hubby wants to be out on the bike. Me, not so much. Hubby has a Ninja. Crotchrocket. If you've never ridden one, you just don't know what you are missing.

I have to lean forward yet hold myself up & it hurts my back. Its like sitting on the pot, leaning forward on the balls of your feet and holding your arms out in front of you, locking your fingers. Your butt is not on the seat, the back of your thighs are. Imagine leaning side to side & hitting bumps in the road. Then there's stopping. Clinch your legs tight to the seat, slightly pulling up with your back, all while your hands are being crushed into the tank by Hubby's gut.

Don't that just make you wanna get on and ride all day?! 

Now, I weigh 200+. I'm sure if I was only 150 or less it would be easier. On me as well as on Hubby. But really, my back hurts just holding myself up normally. Being on the bike just makes it worse. Hubby just doesn't understand... So I ride anyway!

Well, I kinda got off track today. Guess I needed to let off some steam before I blow up on Hubby this weekend. I want to ride with Hubby, but I want to feel better when I ride. I'm expecting the gym to help change that too.

Less weight = less pain. 
Less pain = Happier. 
Happier = more Baby Dancing. 
More Baby Dancing = Motherhood!! That's the Goal!


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Are we ever gonna join that gym?

Yes! Today, Hubby & myself went down to Planet Fitness for the $1 to Join Sale & Finally joined!! We have only been talking about it for, well... 2 years (before our wedding). Hubby wants to Buff Up... I of course want to Slim Down.

It was just classic... we left the gym, key tags in hand & drove to Ormond for chinese food! Yeah, My Hubby made it feel like our Last Meal. He's such a clown! So then we drove back to Beville Rd WallyWorld for sneakers, before heading home to eat, change our clothes & Finally go to the gym!

Aaaaah, the gym. I forgot how good it was to get on the treadmill, put in my earbuds & watch TV!! 2+ miles in 45 minutes & Yes! I am very proud of myself! I also tried the gazelle type thing they have instead of a stair stepper & it kicked my butt in only 9 minutes. Hubby hit the circuit for about 25 minutes, then joined me on the treadmill before the 10pm closing time.

We both enjoyed it so much that we've already made plans on going tomorrow after Hubby gets home from work! I'm so lucky to have Hubby to go with me, cause that's the whole reason I quit the gym & eventually gained back 50lbs... I was going alone. I need someone to go with me. Make me go on the days I don't want to. Remind me of why I want to go. Why I need to go. Why I can't wait another day, month or year...

I want to be Healthy! I want to be Happy! I want to be a Mommy!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

About My Quest

I'm just going to jump right in on what I mainly want to blog about... Becoming a Mother.

I am 29 years old and was non-traditionally diagnosed with PCOS (poly-cystic ovary syndrome) 2 years ago. I am currently over-weight and have been most my adult life. I've know since my first 'cycle' that something was not right with my body. I was among the last in my grade and age group to 'blossom'. I have never been regular without taking birth control and they made me crazy. From what I know now, if I wanted to be on birth control I would need a low-dose.

Currently, I am 50-60lbs over-weight. I have lost 15lbs in the past 6 months and am down 35lbs+ from my highest weight ever (in 2005). I am embarking on a new diet & exercise plan stating Today! I will probably not be able to follow it precisely, but its got to be better than what I am eating now. The Candida Diet. No sugar. No yeast. As for exercise, I own an elliptical and a pilates dvd with fexible bands. My plan is to do at least 1 thing everyday and try to rotate arms, legs and abs. My goal is to fit between size 9 to 12 jeans, as I have many in my closet. That should get me in a healthy weight 155-165lbs.

Now to conceiving... As you can imagine, since my cycles are irregular, I am not producing eggs. Yes, I have used ovulation tests, taken my basel temprature and even tried fertility drugs. I am going to focus on loosing weight and becoming healthy before I try any of those things again. Of course, My Hubby and I continue to 'Baby Dance' several times a week with our fingers crossed ;o]

That's all for now. Thanks for reading.
